HS 721- Conviction from Helston for deficient weights 1807
Conviction of John Bunny for a deficient 1lb weight signed by (Rev.) R.G. Grylls and John Trevenen for which he was fined 5/- plus 3/6d costs. Printed by Bennett, Redruth, watermarked J & R Turner 1796. Good condition.
Conviction of John Bunny for a deficient 1lb weight signed by (Rev.) R.G. Grylls and John Trevenen for which he was fined 5/- plus 3/6d costs. Printed by Bennett, Redruth, watermarked J & R Turner 1796. Good condition.
Conviction of John Bunny for a deficient 1lb weight signed by (Rev.) R.G. Grylls and John Trevenen for which he was fined 5/- plus 3/6d costs. Printed by Bennett, Redruth, watermarked J & R Turner 1796. Good condition.