HS 1068 - Note Paper of Matlock Bath from the Heights of Abraham, engraved by Newman, 48 Watling Street, London, and published by Bemrose and Son, Derby & Matlock 1859
Ms letter from Ann Hurst, Bridge Cottage, Matlock Bridge, 18th September to Sarah: …”we find it much colder here and have taken to fires. The coal is very good & throws out great heat. We give 9/6d a ton, they put on the fire a large piece which burns up without touching & requires no scraping with a shovel which Mr Hurst was guilty of doing; occasionally for old custom sake he cannot help looking & sometimes forgets himself by using the Poker…”
Ms letter from Ann Hurst, Bridge Cottage, Matlock Bridge, 18th September to Sarah: …”we find it much colder here and have taken to fires. The coal is very good & throws out great heat. We give 9/6d a ton, they put on the fire a large piece which burns up without touching & requires no scraping with a shovel which Mr Hurst was guilty of doing; occasionally for old custom sake he cannot help looking & sometimes forgets himself by using the Poker…”
Ms letter from Ann Hurst, Bridge Cottage, Matlock Bridge, 18th September to Sarah: …”we find it much colder here and have taken to fires. The coal is very good & throws out great heat. We give 9/6d a ton, they put on the fire a large piece which burns up without touching & requires no scraping with a shovel which Mr Hurst was guilty of doing; occasionally for old custom sake he cannot help looking & sometimes forgets himself by using the Poker…”